ABC’s The View will compose a written apology to Kyle Rittenhouse and his mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, and deliver it along with a check for $22 million. The Rittenhouse’s spokesman, Joe Barron, says the settlement didn’t take long and “wasn’t very difficult.”
Apparently, the show’s producers have been eager to settle the matter to get them away from all the bad press. In the past few months, story after story about Whoopi Goldberg’s suspensions and firings along with reports of more than 11 lawsuits filed have the show’s team wondering if it was worth it at all.
According to our records, the bulk of the attacks against The View come from sites pretending to be right-wing propaganda when actually they’re leftist trolls making fun of Trump supporters. None of the lawsuits have been true so far, but this one definitely is.
We promise.
The apology must include the words “Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t a murderer” at least four times, according to a friend with inside knowledge on several other matters. “What I don’t know is why the math is before the science,” said the source, “or what that even means.”
Our editors report that if the math is before the science, most likely none of it will make any sense, meaning Rittenhouse is definitely coming out ahead on this one.
God bless America.
Now it begins…The payback that KR deserves. The MSM attempts to assassinate Kyle Rittenhouse is now coming back to haunt Them. All those that called KR a Terrorist, a murderer, etc, will now reap the whirlwind and rightfully so.
Good for Kyle. when all is said and done KR will be a very, very wealthy young man.
A big, big mistake. If it were me, upon being reassured by half-way competent lawyer that the case is winnable, I would reject a settlement and press instead for a lawsuit, on a contingency basis. Better yet, I’d seek out any and all potential plaintiffs who might have been similarly smeared and defamed for ideological reasons and press for a class-action suit naming The View as an entity and specifically any/or all the perps by name who used their filthy yaps to ruin my good name. I’d make sure whatever shit ton of award monies would come specifically out of e.g. Whoopi’s or Joy’s pockets – i.e. I’d go medieval on their estates and try to bankrupt the biyotches, as a matter of principle and a warning that this kind of crap will be fought as part of the Culture War.
Finally justice is be served God lives on the side of true justice
now how can be get the current regime to apologize and make restitution for all the wrongs they have done to the citzinry
The settlement should have included the firing of all those who lied, Whoopie Goldberg. She is a disgrace to humanity, the video of Huber hitting Rittenhouse with the skate board is as real as it gets, maybe the dad should have taught his son don’t hit others you never know what will happen. Very happy for the Rittenhouse family.
The article of the View settling with Rittenhouser for 22 million and a written apology appears to not be accurate…
I wish it was.
Can you verify your sources?
Thanks for your time.
It’s about time those witches and the producers (and anyone else who has anything to do with putting that sh*t show on TV) should have to take responsibility for their ignorant “views”. They need to be pulled off the are.
You know, if they vote through any gun laws banning and confiscating weapons then all elected officials should lose their armed security that is paid for by taxpayer monies. All elected officials should have to pay for their security from their own finances. Also their security should only be allowed the same weapons as are any private citizens. If we law abiding citizens must suffer from the actions of criminals then it should only be right that the elected officials be to be ham strung as its citizens are. This is ridiculous laws. Private citizens should be allowed to protect themselves and others as needed to take out any predators or those that attack citizens out to hurt these masses. The USA cares more about illegals and criminals that it does it’s good citizens.
Brilliant result – unleash the Dogs of War against Fake News.
I absolutly detest the view especially the Thing that calls herself a fart whoopie this creature is an Animal that belongs in a zoo