If there’s anyone making the Big Scene in news nowadays, it’s most certainly entrepreneur and Tesla billionaire Elon Musk. His hostile takeover of Twitter has been an obsession with nearly every major media outlet in the United States.
This morning, however, Musk brought the conversation to an entirely new level, with a throwaway line from his latest interview on the conservative Sandy Batt’s Battering Ram news and discussion program on Rumble.
“Are you going to surprise us and buy anything else to completely run into the ground?” Batt asked her guest, who was totally high at the time.
“I have been nosing around a few other companies that seem to be doing well, yeah,” he answered. “Dominion. MyPillow, are a couple. Oh yeah, and Facebook. You’re next, Zuckerberg! I’ll fire the lot of ya!”
Musk fired a host of the staff as his first act of taking over Twitter, which a great many industry insiders view as a huge mistake since no one is there to run it. He also instituted a $19.99 price tag for a blue checkmark, and then lowered it to $8.00 after being rebuffed by noted author Steven King.
The $8.00 is now too, a thing of the past, as is Twitter’s future. Fairly soon, we all might be paying $12.95 monthly for the privilege of spying on our family members and trolling Kid Rock’s disgusting fans. Wouldn’t that be something.